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Internet and services


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Internet and services


internet and services

Domain name is the user's path to your site

Specify a domain name

The cost of registering or renewing a domain for 1 year includes technical support for one year:

  • domain name parking;
  • WEB-interface for domain name management;
  • domain name support.

Ukrainian domains

.ua*85 y.о. / рік
.org.ua20 y.о. / рік
.com.ua18 $ / year
.kiev.ua18 $ / year,, .укр18 $ / year

* To register a domain in the .ua zone, you must provide a notarized copy of the document confirming the registration and the right to use the trademark in Ukraine.

International domains

.mobi37 y.о. / рік
.eu32 y.о. / рік
.com24 y.о. / рік
.tel37 y.о. / рік
.biz28 y.о. / рік
.net, .org, .name25 $ / year
.info34 y.о. / рік


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Credit of trust

As part of the loyalty program, subscribers are provided with a credit trust service

Mediaconverter indication

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Mon.- Fri. 09:00-18:00

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